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Local Market properties account for approximately 90% of the overall property stock. Local Market properties can be occupied by residentially qualified persons or non-locals brought to Guernsey on a housing licence granted by the States of Guernsey.

There are often many false preconceptions involving moving to Guernsey... Unlike Jersey the process does not depend on your financial status and as a result can be far simpler than thought.The Open Market was established and amended between the years of 1957 and 1969 by the States of Guernsey to create a register of approximately 1,600 homes where any EU National or British citizen can live and work on the island without the need of a local licence.The Housing (Control of Occupation)(Guernsey) Law, 1994 contains, among other things, provisions concerning those dwellings which are eligible to remain inscribed in the 'Open Market' Housing Register.